ROOT のライブラリを使って、これを実際に発生してみる。BΞとΔBΛΛは0としている。
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <TLorentzVector.h> #include <TGenPhaseSpace.h> void PhaseSpace() { TLorentzVector target(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 11174.864 * 0.001); TLorentzVector beam(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1321.71 * 0.001); TLorentzVector W = beam + target; //(Momentum, Energy units are Gev/C, GeV) Double_t masses[3] = {(3727.379 + (1115.683 - 3.12) * 2) * 0.001, 3727.379 * 0.001, 2808.921 * 0.001}; TGenPhaseSpace event; event.SetDecay(W, 3, masses); std::ofstream ofs("nagara.txt"); for (Int_t n = 0; n < 100000; n++) { Double_t weight = event.Generate(); Double_t theta = 0; Double_t phi = 0; for (Int_t p = 0; p < 3; p++) { auto pParticle = event.GetDecay(p); //4元運動量を出力 ofs << pParticle->E() * 1000 << " "; ofs << pParticle->Px() * 1000 << " "; ofs << pParticle->Py() * 1000 << " "; ofs << pParticle->Pz() * 1000 << " "; } auto p1 = *event.GetDecay(0) + *event.GetDecay(1); auto p2 = *event.GetDecay(0) + *event.GetDecay(2); //He6LLとHe4の不変質量の2乗 ofs << p1.M2() << " "; //He6LLとtの不変質量の2乗 ofs << p2.M2() << " "; //イベントの重み ofs << weight << " "; ofs << "\n"; } ofs.close(); }
root PhaseSpace.C -q -l
それぞれの不変質量の2乗をX軸、Y軸に取ったときの2Dヒストグラム。いわゆるDalitz plot
Pythonだと、Albert Puig Navarro氏が開発しているphasespaceモジュールが便利。
pip install git+https://github.com/zfit/phasespace
# %% import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import phasespace import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np # %% with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(1) # %% B0_MASS = 11174.864+1321.71 P1_MASS = 3727.379 + (1115.683 - 3.12) * 2 P2_MASS = 3727.379 P3_MASS = 2808.921 weights, particles = phasespace.nbody_decay(B0_MASS, [P1_MASS, P2_MASS, P3_MASS]).generate(n_events=100000) # %% vm01 = [] vm02 = [] for i, (p0, p1, p2) in enumerate(zip(particles["p_0"], particles["p_1"], particles["p_2"])): p01 = np.array(p0)+np.array(p1) p02 = np.array(p0)+np.array(p2) p01 = p01*p01 # 自身の内積 p02 = p02*p02 # 自身の内積 m01 = p01[3]-(p01[0]+p01[1]+p01[2]) # 粒子1と粒子2の不変質量 m02 = p02[3]-(p02[0]+p02[1]+p02[2]) # 粒子1と粒子3の不変質量 vm01.append(m01*1e-6) vm02.append(m02*1e-6) plt.hist2d(vm01, vm02, weights=weights, bins=[20, 20]) plt.show() plt.hist2d(vm01, vm02, bins=[20, 20]) plt.show()
with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(1)