CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) つまり、貢献者の役割の分類法は、Elsevierによると、
the intention of recognizing individual author contributions, reducing authorship disputes and facilitating collaboration
で導入したという。例えばNIMなどの雑誌では、 CRediT authorship contribution statement
Term | Definition | 筆者による意訳 |
Conceptualization | Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims | 概念(コンセプト)の作成 |
Methodology | Development or design of methodology; creation of models | 方法論の作成 |
Software | Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components | ソフトウェア作成 |
Validation | Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/ reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs | 結果の再現性検証 |
Formal analysis | Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data | 正式な分析 |
Investigation | Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection | 実験の実施・データ収集 |
Resources | Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools | リソースの提供 |
Data Curation | Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting thedata itself) for initial use and later reuse | データの準備・共用のための管理 |
Writing - Original Draft | Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation) | 論文等の原稿作成 |
Writing - Review & Editing | Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review,commentary or revision – including pre-or postpublication stages | 論文等のレビュー、修正 |
Visualization | Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/ data presentation | 論文等の図表の作成 |
Supervision | Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the core team | 監督・指導 |
Project administration | Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution | プロジェクト管理 |
Funding acquisition | Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication | 資金調達 |