の ThreadPoolExecutor
と、 ProcessPoolExecutor
使い方は __main__
import time import random import concurrent.futures from logging import StreamHandler, Formatter, INFO, getLogger def test_func(i): import random time.sleep(3 + random.random() * 3) if i % 5 == 4: raise Exception("Error: i % 5 == 4") def init_logger(): handler = StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(INFO) handler.setFormatter(Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(message)s")) logger = getLogger() if not logger.hasHandlers(): logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(INFO) def multi_process(func, max_workers, targets): init_logger() getLogger().info("multi_process begin") with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: futures = [executor.submit( func, *target if type(target) == tuple else (target,)) for target in targets] while len(futures) != 0: futures_buf = [] done_flag = False for f in futures: if f.done(): if f.exception() != None: print(f.exception()) done_flag = True else: futures_buf.append(f) if done_flag: getLogger().info( f"multi_process {len(futures_buf)} tasks rest") futures = futures_buf time.sleep(0.01) getLogger().info("multi_process end") def multi_thread(func, max_workers, targets): init_logger() getLogger().info("multi_thread begin") with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: futures = [executor.submit( func, *target if type(target) == tuple else (target,)) for target in targets] while len(futures) != 0: futures_buf = [] done_flag = False for f in futures: if f.done(): if f.exception() != None: print(f.exception()) done_flag = True else: futures_buf.append(f) if done_flag: getLogger().info(f"multi_thread {len(futures_buf)} tasks rest") futures = futures_buf time.sleep(0.01) getLogger().info("multi_thread end") if __name__ == "__main__": multi_process(test_func, max_workers=4, targets=range(10)) multi_thread(test_func, max_workers=4, targets=range(10))